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Trauma-Informed Counseling for Women and Mothers

Telehealth Provider Licensed in Illinois and New Jersey


Home: Welcome

It is important that you find a good fit therapist

who is trained to meet your specific needs.

If this feels like you, then you feel that you cannot juggle everything anymore.  You've lost yourself. You love your baby but you did not sign up for this. This is not what you expected and you don't understand how you got here.  How do other people do it? Self doubt and overwhelm are your middle name.  You do not feel that you can ask for help because that would mean you are not a good mother and no noone would understand.


Or, you don't have anyone in your corner and you feel all alone with no family nearby.  Or perhaps you are all alone with no one to call upon because your spouse or partner works or perhaps you are a single parent?


Perhaps you were so distressed during the birth of your child that you feel frozen or unmotivated to do the things you once did or you are having intrusive, scary thoughts that won't go away.


Or, you are mothering without your own mother or one who is distant or emotionally absent.  


You might be a mom with older children who knows she struggled with PMADs or birth trauma but never received any help and is still overwhelmed.


Or, maybe you struggled with infertility and a baby is all you've ever wanted so you cannot understand why you are so anxious/sad.




Home: About Therapy

1 in 3 women experience moderate to significant distress by third month postpartum.  

-Postpartum Support International

That's a lot of women. I help you navigate the unique challenges women and mother's face

using a trauma-informed lens


Home: Famous Quote


Let's see if we are a good fit! I will respond to your email request with 48 hours.  From there we can determine whether to set up a 15 minute phone consult.

Licensed in Illinois and New Jersey

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